At 4-way stops intersection of of CR 415 and Pioneer (I think) but definitely in the middle of horse farms and woods all about. Everyone has to stop... then in varying degrees of ROARING away they go -motorcycles, pick-ups, horses and cows being hauled, hugh bales of hay balanced in little trucks, dogs riding like kings, BIG men and skinny ladies in sunglasses at the wheel of BIG trucks, AND the dump trucks, haul trucks, county trucks, gas and recycle semis and regular cars, vans, suvs of all shapes, sizes and colors. What a racket. Non-stop. I counted on average 25 vehicles per minute as I sat on the bench near the door into the Cabbage Patch looking at the puddle of my car's coolant fluid spreading over their front 'yard'.
OK, back up.
No, I am just going forward with my saga. The tow would be here in an hour. And hour and a half tops. The car sat out back. Its rattling, scraping and spewing over. Roosters and chickens free roaming about the building and across the road. Crowing as they peck for lunch. Then a small white roo proceeds to cross the road, stops half way to strut, spread his wings and crow loudly before running across. And there is almost no end to the traffic on 415... Maybe 10-15 seconds breaks.
12:30 and two customers come in on bikes -real dudes! Another dude comes out and gets on an ancient tractor that looks like it should be in a museum, starts it up and off he goes down the road to home, I presume. He has a very long braid hanging down his back. The two Bud drinker dudes come out and sit down at the picnic table near me.
WHERE are you Enterprise Towing? It's been an hour.
I can't tell what the dudes are saying 'cause my hearing aids are turned off. Even if they were on, I couldn't hear for the road-roar. Two more roosters proceed to cross the slower traffic road. One runs, the other saunters halfway then runs. One dude goes inside, one still outside. Awkward. Good, second dude is back and off they roar on their cycles...
This is going to be a long day and I involuntarily will help stimulate the economy. An hour later, I am home, the monster-car is parked awaiting another tow on Monday since only 14 miles of towing is free. And I am very much enjoying peaceful quiet.
Joan Bell