¡Qué hermosa y qué encantadora eres, amor mío, con todos tus encantos!

Si yo fuese Dios
y tuviese el secreto,
haría un ser exacto a ti;
lo probaría
(a la manera de los panaderos
cuando prueban el pan, es decir:
con la boca),
y si ese sabor fuese
igual al tuyo, o sea
tu mismo olor, y tu manera
de sonreír,
y de guardar silencio,
y de estrechar mi mano estrictamente,
y de besarnos sin hacernos daño
—de esto sí estoy seguro: pongo
tanta atención cuando te beso—;

si yo fuese Dios,
podría repetirte y repetirte,
siempre la misma y siempre diferente,
sin cansarme jamás del juego idéntico,
sin desdeñar tampoco la que fuiste
por la que ibas a ser dentro de nada;
ya no sé si me explico, pero quiero
aclarar que si yo fuese
Dios, haría
lo posible por ser Ángel González
para quererte tal como te quiero,
para aguardar con calma
a que te crees tú misma cada día
a que sorprendas todas las mañanas
la luz recién nacida con tu propia
luz, y corras
la cortina impalpable que separa
el sueño de la vida,
resucitándome con tu palabra,
Lázaro alegre,
mojado todavía
de sombras y pereza,
sorprendido y absorto
en la contemplación de todo aquello
que, en unión de mí mismo,
recuperas y salvas, mueves, dejas
abandonado cuando —luego— callas...
(Escucho tu silencio.
constelaciones: existes.
Creo en ti.
Me basta).

[ME BASTA ASÍ - Ángel González]

Algúns din ¡miña terra!
din outros ¡meu cariño!
i este, ¡miñas lembranzas!
i aquel, ¡ou meus amigos!
Todos sospiran, todos,
por algún ben perdido.
Eu só non digo nada,
eu só nunca sospiro,
que o meu corpo de terra
i o meu cansado esprito,
adondequer que eu vaia
...............vai comigo.

[de Follas Novas -
Rosalía de Castro (1880)]

Evanescence: Good Enough ♪

© Spirit of Tomoe Gozen by Sid Campbell
When fed into the crude, imaginary
machine we call the memory,

the brain's hard pictures
slide into the suggestive
waters of the counterfeit.

They come out glamorous and simplified,

even the violent ones,
even the ones that are snapshots of fear.

Maybe those costumed,
clung-to fragments are the first wedge

nostalgia drives into our dreaming.

Maybe our dreams are corrupted
right from the start: the weight

of apples in the blossoms overhead.

Even the two thin reddish dogs
nosing down the aisles of crippled trees,
digging in the weak shade

thrown by the first flowerers,
snuffle in the blackened leaves
for the scent of a dead year.

Childhood, first love, first loss of love--

the saying of their names
brings an ache to the teeth
like that of tears withheld.

What must happen now
is that the small funerals
celebrated in the left-behind life

for their black exotica, their high relief,

their candles and withered wreaths,
must be allowed to pass through
into the sleeping world,

there to be preserved and honored
in the fullness and color of their forms,

their past lives their coffins.

Goodbye then to all innocent surprise
at mortality's panache,
and goodbye to the children fallen

ahead of me into the slow whirlpool
I conceal within myself, my death,

into its snow-froth and the green-black
muscle of its persuasion.

The spirits of children
must look like the spirits of animals,
though in the adult human

the vacancy left by the child
probably darkens the surviving form.

The apples drop their blossom-shadows
onto the still-brown grass.
Old selves, this is partly for you,

there at the edge of the woods
like a troop of boy soldiers.

You can go on living with the blade
of nostalgia in your hearts forever,
my pale darlings. It changes nothing.

Don't you recognize me? I admit
I too am almost invisible now, almost.

Like everything else, I take on
light and color from outside myself,
but it is old light, old paint.

The first shadows are supple ones,
school of gray glimpses, insubstantial.

In children, the quality of darkness
changes inside the sleeping mouth,

and the ghost of child-grime--
that infinite smudge of no color--

blows off into the afterlife.

["The Blade of Nostalgia" From Perdido by Chase Twichell ]

Eres cruel y alabada, dulce señora,
porque no me amas para provocar mi amor
entonces esquivas el rostro
y estás allí en tu figura
evades tu cuerpo y se hace más próximo tu aliento
te escondes y los montes se llenan de ámbar
cantas y de tu voz apenas llega el recuerdo

Me dijeron que habías subido al campanario de la aldea
y te pusiste a dar voces y eran tan cristalinas
que encantaste a los muchachos distantes a media legua

Algunas veces, yo también te he escuchado
como si estuviera al pie de la iglesia
He tratado de cantar, de acompañarte,
he buscado a los pájaros que habitan los libros
y ellos vinieron con sus plumas
para honra del caballero y de la dama
unidos por esa voz que echaste a volar desde la torre.

Adriano González León (1931-2008)
Dulcinea (fragmento) de Hueso de mis huesos (1997)

When you are old and grey and full of sleep
And nodding by the fire, take down this book
And slowly read, and dream of the soft look
Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;

How many loved your moments of glad grace
And loved your beauty with love false or true
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you
And loved the sorrows of your changing face;

And bending down beside the glowing bars
Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled
And paced upon the mountains overhead
And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.

W. B. Yeats - "When You are Old"]

Miri Mesika: Ba'a Elechem ♪

Kshe'atzuv ve'lo holech
k'shemafchid umistabech
ani ba'a elechem, ani ba'a elechem
ha'oto shat al pnei hak'vish
kanir'eh gam hu margish
ani ba'a elechem, ani ba'a elechem

Aba yagid: "higi'ah han'sichah"
ima bereg'a mu'eret misimchah
yaldah shelanu kamah hitga'ag'anu
chaki me'at yaldah sheli
lifnei shetigdeli
yaldah shelanu kamah hitga'ag'anu
chaki me'at yaldah sheli
lifnei shetigdeli

Yaldah k'tzarah al shvil aroch
lo ta'atzor lisgor has'roch
ani ratzah elechem, ani ratza elechem
vehasipur al halashon
af vek'var nichnas rishon
ani ratzah elechem, ani ratza elechem

Aba yagid...

When it's sad and not going
when it's scary and complicated
I come to you, I come to you
the car is roaming on the road
it seems even it feels
that I'm coming to you, I'm coming to you

Dad will say: "the princess has arrived"
Mom is lit up from joy in a second
our girl, how much we yearned
wait a bit my girl
before you grow up
our girl, how much we yearned
wait a bit my girl
before you grow up

Short girl on a long path
won't stop to tie the lace
I'm running to you, I'm running to you
and the story on her tongue flies
and already the first one goes in
I'm running to you, I'm running to you

Dad will say...

Bon Voyage

© Sunset Over Rough Seas by TomWilcox

A mi América

Algo cruel, más que cualquier efecto de la vida cotidiana, es tener que decir adiós. Pero tengo unas terribles ganas de comprobar los cambios del inframundo, esos que atestiguan la metamorfosis de una rutina. Acaso no es respirar otros aires y hablar otras voces, sentir el frío del norte perforándote sutilmente la piel y dar una vuelta enorme a esta historia de la cual sobran las palabras.

Que experiencia maravillosa es mirarte a los ojos reconociendo que aun sueñas embelecida la utopía única de nuestras súplicas. Extasiada atentas contra lo que somos, te aprietas los labios despreocupadamente en lo que nunca podrá ser. ¿Por qué tanta obsesión en momentos de hacerte imperceptible conmigo?

Ahora, el tiempo trascurre, y mi destino es un país lejano. El mundo sigue siendo efímero sin ti. Es la inercia absurda saturada de galaxias. Me marcho para relatar historias jamás contadas, dibujar tu rostro en cada nuevo puerto y confesar a las olas lo dulce de tu voz. ¿Y podré volver? Quizás, mejor que si, no sea que nos repitamos siempre olvidándonos, ignorándonos y mi alma impregnada de cansancio deshilvane este amor hasta sus fibras más ínfimas

Aron Gia - 9 de enero de 2008

Tori Amos: Cornflake Girl ♪

Never was a cornflake girl
Thought that was a good solution
Hanging with the raisin girls
She's gone to the other side
Givin us a yo heave ho
Things are getting kind of gross
And I go at sleepy time
This is not really happening
You bet your life it is

Peel out the watchword
Just peel out the watchword

She knows what's goin on
Seems we got a cheaper feel now
All the sweetcaze are gone
Gone to the other side
With my encyclopedia
They musta paid her a nice price
She's putting on her string bean love
This is not really happening
You bet your life it is

Peal our the watchword
Just peel out the watchword

And the man with the golden gun thinks he knows so much
Thinks he knows so much
And the man with the golden gun thinks he knows so much
Thinks he knows so much

Rabbit where'd you put the keys girl
Rabbit where'd you put the keys girl

Cute little girl. Beauty in satin
Tiny toes breathe upon my eye
Although she knows there are ten
Nobody can't get in paradise.

Naked showing them off
And I mesmerized by her glorious feet flashing
Their gestures made my heart flutters and dancing.

Stretch your candy-painted toes again and again
I’m still here
Whispering humming voices
It’s the face that I long to have near.

For extraordinary moments, I've explored your flowing fields
Yet, I thought pain was a dream
My precious princess with polished toenails gentle disappears.

Aron Gia - January 2008

© 2007 Anna Belova

Brown and agile child, the sun which forms the fruit
And ripens the grain and twists the seaweed
Has made your happy body and your luminous eyes
And given your mouth the smile of water.

A black and anguished sun is entangled in the twigs
Of your black mane when you hold out your arms.
You play in the sun as in a tidal river
And it leaves two dark pools in your eyes.

Brown and agile child, nothing draws me to you,
Everything pulls away from me here in the noon.
You are the delirious youth of bee,
The drunkedness of the wave, the power of the heat.

My somber heart seeks you always
I love your happy body, your rich, soft voice.
Dusky butterfly, sweet and sure
Like the wheatfiled, the sun, the poppy, and the water.

[Pablo Neruda - "Brown and Agile Child"]

Amos Lee: Colors ♪

Yesterday I got lost in the circus,
feeling like such a mess.
And now I'm down,
I'm just hanging on the corner.
I can't help but reminisce.

Cuz when you're gone,
all the colours fade.
When you're gone,
no new years day parade.
You're gone,
colours seem to fade.

Your mama called, she said,
that you're downstairs crying.
Feeling like such a mess.
Ya, i hear ya,
in the back ground balling.
What happened to your sweet summer time dress.

I know we all,
we all got our faults.
We get locked in our vaults,
and we stay.

When you're gone,
all the colours fade.
When you're gone,
no new years day parade.
You're gone,
colours seem to fade,
colours seem to fade.

Lejana y sola.
Jaca negra, luna grande,
y aceitunas en mi alforja.
Aunque sepa los caminos,
yo nunca llegaré a Córdoba.
Por el llano, por el viento,
jaca negra, luna roja.
La muerte me está mirando
desde las torres de Córdoba.
¡Ay que camino tan largo!
¡Ay mi jaca valerosa!
¡Ay que la muerte me espera,
antes de llegar a Córdoba!
Lejana y sola.

[Canción del Jinete -
Federico García Lorca]

Carissima in Deliciis

  • O. Elias Lira
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Pluma y Tintero


Amigos Invisibles